Why You Should Clean Up After Your Pet During International Pooper Scooper Week And All Throughout The Year

International Pooper Scooper Week, celebrated in the first week of April, is aimed at encouraging pet owners around the world to pick up after pets, and understand the importance in doing so. This might seem like a mundane task, yet its impact on our communities and environment is immense.

Contrary to common belief, dog feces are not beneficial for the soil. As The Drake Center reports, it’s too acidic and toxic, harming grass and plants. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) categorizes dog waste as a pollutant, on par with oil and chemical spills, due to its potential to pollute waterways and spread disease.

Pet waste can contaminate water sources.

Photo: Pexels
Pet waste can contaminate water sources.

Risks of Ignoring Dog Waste

Unattended dog poop poses various risks:

  • Pollutes Water: It can pollute lakes, rivers, and drinking water sources, contributing to toxic algae blooms.
  • Spreads Disease: It’s a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and parasites like E.coli, Salmonella, and Parvovirus.
  • Affects Other Animals and Humans
  • : These organisms can infect not only other pets but also humans, with some diseases being potentially fatal, reports the Worms and Germs blog.

Dog poop is not a natural fertilizer.

Photo: Pexels
Dog poop is not a natural fertilizer.

Aesthetic and Social Considerations

Beyond environmental and health concerns, there’s also the matter of common courtesy and aesthetics. Dog waste smells bad and ruins the visual appeal of neighborhoods. Cleaning up after pets is not only a responsible act but also a legal requirement in many places, reports Doggy Do Good.

Tools of the Trade: Pooper Scoopers

Choosing the right pooper scooper can make this task more manageable. There are various types, including adjustable and lightweight options, with considerations for ease of use and cleaning. Some models can carry bags for convenient disposal. It’s important to pick a tool that suits your needs and physical capabilities.

Cleaning up pet waste keeps neighborhoods beautiful.

Photo: Pexels
Cleaning up pet waste keeps neighborhoods beautiful.

Disposing of Dog Waste

Proper disposal is crucial. While some might consider composting, this is generally not advised due to health risks. According to Met Life Pet Insurance, other methods include:

  • Using plastic bags for garbage disposal.
  • Hiring pet waste removal services.
  • Flushing small amounts down the toilet, if permissible.
Picking up waste prevents footpath hazards.

Photo: Pexels
Picking up waste prevents footpath hazards.

The Bigger Picture: Community and Health

Ignoring dog waste can lead to unsightly stains on lawns and potential health hazards. As a pet owner, it’s vital to understand the broader impact of our actions on the community and environment. Positively Woof maintains that picking up after pets is a simple yet significant way to contribute positively to our surroundings and public health.

International Pooper Scooper Week serves as a reminder of the importance of a task often overlooked. It’s about more than just cleanliness; it’s about environmental responsibility, public health, and community welfare. As pet owners, it’s our duty to ensure that our furry friends’ impact on the world is as positive as their presence in our lives.

Make a commitment to a healthier future for pets and their humans. Click below and take the Pooper Scooper Pledge!

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Matthew Russell is a West Michigan native and with a background in journalism, data analysis, cartography and design thinking. He likes to learn new things and solve old problems whenever possible, and enjoys bicycling, spending time with his daughters, and coffee.
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