She Laid Down With A Horse. 11 Seconds In, Keep Your Eyes On The Horse’s Mouth!

A woman named Lisa Brown was out in the fields early one morning in Hertfordshire, United Kingdom, and one of her horses, Jimmy, laid down to take a nap. He does this often, but this time Brown decided to take her cup of coffee and sit with him. She was scratching and petting him, and eventually he began to lean on her. Then he gently pushed her back and used her as a pillow.

Eleven seconds in, he sticks out his long tongue and licks across her face. He does it again a few seconds later! LOL! Brown says Jimmy has a peaceful nature but describes him as a “comic genius.” We can definitely see that in the video! If Jimmy was my horse, I would be taking naps with him all day, every day! I’d just make sure to have a towel with me so I could wipe his spit off of my face afterwards lol!

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