Layla Was Scared Frozen On The Side Of A Highway. When She Thanks Her Rescuer At 1:50? SOBBING.

When you’re scared, alone, and nothing in your world is safe or good, the comfort of a gentle touch and a soft voice can go a long way to make way for even the smallest bit of hope.  Layla had been hit by a car and huddled against a wall on the sidewalk.  She didn’t growl.  She didn’t bark.  She didn’t even shirk from the rescuer.  But what she did do brought the rescuer to tears.

People who rescue and foster animals have some of the largest hearts in the world.  Where humans in similar situations may be in a better position to ask for and receive help, these abandoned, discarded animals are reliant on their surroundings.  They can’t ask for help.  They don’t even know where to find it. But the love and care of so many organizations that help animals get the care and nutrition they need, find foster and forever homes is something for which we should all be thankful.  Perhaps Layla knows how to share those sentiments best.

Rare Javan Rhino Calf Spotted in Indonesia Sparks Hope and Urgency for Conservation: Click “Next” below!

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