Confused Kitty Struggles To Get Tape Off His Head In Front Of A Furry Audience…

This kitty is soo adorable, you almost feel bad to laugh at him. He has a piece of tape sticking off the top of his head, and he is SO confused…

He looks up and can see the tape, but isn’t quite sure how to get it. He rolls all around trying to reach it, but is unsuccessful. Meanwhile, the family dog lies in the background just watching this silly cat’s antics, one cat walks by and doesn’t even glance his way; and the final cat walks by, stops to take a look at what his feline friend is doing, and then quickly runs away. It doesn’t seem like any of them want to help their furry friend! Finally, after over a minute of struggle, the kitty gets the tape off. Mission accomplished!

Rare Javan Rhino Calf Spotted in Indonesia Sparks Hope and Urgency for Conservation: Click “Next” below!

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