This Cat’s Reunion With His Canine Pal After Being Apart for 10 Days Is Purrecious!

We’ve got a stage-five clinger!

We have all seen the videos of owners coming home to their dogs after a trip away from home; the dogs go crazy, jumping all over their owners and smothering them in kisses. But it isn’t often that we see this: the cat smothering the dog after not seeing him for some time.

Bow-Z the dog and Jasper the cat were apart for 10 days, but for this cat, it was 10 days too long! As soon as he sees the dog, he jumps right on him and starts licking him and meowing. Jasper stands there showing slight excitement with the wag of his tail, but he’s definitely not too thrilled. He backs up and tries to walk away, but Jasper doesn’t want to let go of him. It’s like one long hug. Too cute!

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