‘Miracle’ Black Cat Survives Florida Condo Collapse And Is Reunited With Family

Rescuers have been scouring the rubble of the condo building collapse in Surfside, Florida, for the past several weeks for survivors.

90 people have perished so far with dozens still unaccounted for, including numerous pets. But a miracle occurred last week that has restored a bit of hope.

A missing cat named Binx who lived on the 9th floor of the building was found alive.

On Friday, Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava took to Twitter to announce some good news. “After 16 long and incredibly difficult days, I’m able to share a small piece of good news — Binx from Champlain Towers South has been found.

“Thank you from the bottom of my heart and on behalf of our community to the team who played a role in reuniting him with his family.”

The black cat was found near the debris by a FEMA volunteer feeding stray cats. He was brought to The Kitty Campus, an animal shelter in Miami Beach, where he was reunited with his owner.

Gina Nicole Vlasek, co-founder of The Kitty Campus, posted on Facebook, “All we needed was a ray of hope in this tragedy… Today was one of the most amazing days.. one of the survivors came to see the cat and to determine if it was her families cat and IT WAS!”

She thanked everyone involved and said, “We are so grateful to be able to help in any small way. These families lost so much but our south Florida communities team work was able to give them this. Thank you!”

But the story gets even better…

Apparently, Binx was comforting rescue workers as they searched the wreckage site. He took a liking to one rescuer named Andy Johnson from Florida task force 4. Johnson took a picture of the friendly feline and sent it to his wife.

Little did he know that what he thought was a friendly stray cat was actually Binx.

The Kitty Campus posted the heartwarming story on Facebook and told how Binx would patiently wait for Andy to return and then leap into his lap to comfort him.

“We would also like to thank Binx the cat for taking care of our first responders who were on the ground dealing with this tragedy. Binx has brought everyone in our community a little hope.”

Vlasek wants his story to serve as “a reminder to NEVER… EVER… EVER… GIVE UP HOPE!”

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Andrea Powell is an animal enthusiast who resides in West Michigan. When not writing, she is exploring the great outdoors with her dogs and horses.
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