Miniature Fluffy Cows Exist And They’re Absolutely Adorable

When you think about owning a pet, the first thing that likely comes to your mind is having a dog or cat in your home. What if I were to tell you that you could also have a cow as a pet?

It may not be as far-fetched as you think, thanks to cows now being available in miniature. Although a standard cow would require a farm to keep them as a pet, there are a number of farms in the United States that are specializing in these little heifers.

A Fluffy Cow As A Pet

When you first look at these little cows, you might think that they look a lot like a big dog. As it turns out, they are as gentle and kind as you would want from any pet and they love to be cuddled.

According to Lovable Little Ones, they are “exceptional pets that demonstrate a great deal of affection, are very social and are easy to take care of.” Since they aren’t as large as a standard cow, you can keep them in a smaller space. Expect to pay anywhere from $1800 up to $3500, depending upon the miniature cow you choose.

Miniature cows are more than just a great pet to have around, they are also a great way to teach your children responsibility. Since they are small in size, they are safe for your household and they don’t require a lot of specialized equipment to handle. Big Picture Agriculture says that there are currently 26 breeds of miniature cattle. They can be used as pets, for breeding, and for personalized milk production.

If you plan on adding a miniature cow to your family, you might want to keep in mind that they are herd animals. Having more than one is going to be of benefit to them, and can help you as well. You also need to feed the miniature cow with grain or hay, even if they are grazing during the day. Too much pasture grass can cause digestive issues.

Are you ready to get your own mini cow?

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