Golden Retriever Loves To Slide Down Hill In His Own Unique Way And People Cannot Stop Watching

Dogs teach us to slow down and enjoy the little things in life – like the joy of sliding down a hill.

Most of us remember as a child the excitement and happiness we felt after rolling or sliding down a hill. However, as we get older we forget to take the time to play and enjoy the simple things – but dogs are always there to remind us.

Golden Retrievers are goofy, energetic, and loyal – so it is no surprise that they are one of the most popular dog breeds. An adorable Golden Retriever named Leny loves nothing more than sliding head first down a grassy hill.

Photos: Instagram/leny_the_retriever

Leny sometimes rolls down the hill or takes his time going down by rolling on his back and side. Other times he gets a running start and then flops down on his side and slides to the bottom. No matter how he goes down the hill, he always has a smile on his face as he runs back up.

He lives in Spokane, Washington, so sometimes his beloved hill is covered in snow and that makes sliding down even more fun.

His exuberance and love of live has earned him over 14K followers on Instagram. His profile perfectly states, “Sliding down hills and into your hearts.”

In a recent video he had the tough decision of playing with a stick or sliding down the hill, “Stick or slide? Stick or slide? Stick? SLIIIIIIIIDDDDEEE!!”.

This good boy has made the day of thousands of people around the world. Be sure to watch all the videos and share with anyone who needs a pick-me-up.

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Andrea Powell is an animal enthusiast who resides in West Michigan. When not writing, she is exploring the great outdoors with her dogs and horses.
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