‘Cats Are Everywhere’ Instagram Account Photoshops Cat Faces Onto…Everything

Who doesn’t love cats?

They make great pets, they’re cute and cuddly, and they can be seen everywhere. Well, at least they can if you are Galina Bugaevskaya.

Bugaevskaya’s koty_vezde Instagram account features more than 200 posts featuring cat faces photoshopped onto other animals and objects.

Having spent some time working with Photoshop on some other projects, the artist found her graphic design skills translated nicely to this new application. It wasn’t long before she found herself concentrating almost exclusively on feline photos.

“The idea came to me quite spontaneously, about a year ago,” 29-year-old Bugaevskaya told Bored Panda.

Since starting the account, Bugaevskaya’s work has been shared all over the world, and it’s certainly made an impact. Here are a few of our favorites.

A horse is a horse?

Black and white

Who’s that cat?

Longcat v2.0


Hay there

“I am very pleased that so many people appreciated my work. I just learned today that in different countries they began to publish articles with my collages,” Bugaevskaya said. “People write a lot of warm comments under my works — this is very cool! I am so happy!”

Seal of appurrval

Luxrious in white

Just hangin’ around



Sweet treat

There’s no doubt that Bugaevskaya loves cats. She even has a few of her own who act as models for her creative images.

“Especially chubby and angry cats,” Bugaevskaya says. “They are divine creatures: cute, soft, murmuring. We always had cats in our family. At the moment, I have Filya and Puchok, and a white Persian cat, Umka, named after the bear cub from the Soviet cartoon.”

Purrush daily

Fresh baked

Cotton catndy

Who’s house?

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Matthew Russell is a West Michigan native and with a background in journalism, data analysis, cartography and design thinking. He likes to learn new things and solve old problems whenever possible, and enjoys bicycling, spending time with his daughters, and coffee.
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