This Raccoon-Dog Duo is the Funniest Thing You’ve Seen Today

Don’t you just love animal odd couples? I know I do!

There’s something about cross-species friendships that’s just darling, and the sweetness of this video is doubled by the fact that both animals are a type of ‘coon’ yet are totally different!

Ringo the raccoon and Rock the coon dog start tussling outside, and it’s absolutely charming. (I never thought I’d call a raccoon charming!)

Ringo does his darnedest to tackle Rock, and after a few seconds Rock just flops on his back and rolls around playfully, as if saying, “Yeah, yeah, I’m soooo scared.” LOL! However, Ringo is feisty.

Ringo is quite a bit smaller than Rock, but he makes up for it in spunk! This adorable duo is such a beautiful combination of funny and cute that you won’t be able to stop yourself from watching them a second time.

This video of a dog and raccoon playing is so, so great; you just have to watch it! (For another awesome animal odd couple video, check out our post here!)

Check it out!

Rare Javan Rhino Calf Spotted in Indonesia Sparks Hope and Urgency for Conservation: Click “Next” below!

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