Sick Pup Spent Her Life On The Streets, But Now She’s Showing Her Rescuers Just How Sweet She Is

A stray dog named Reba was found roaming the streets of Houston, Texas, and was eventually brought to Vet Ranch.

She was in bad shape — malnourished, covered in fleas, and had a bad skin infection, along with very swollen feet. She also had a ton of hair loss, a very bad infection on her mouth, and swollen lymph nodes on her neck.

Vet Ranch

Vet Ranch

They performed a skin scraping to further diagnose her and it turns out that she had demodectic mange, which she was put on medication for right away. They gave her a medicated bath and got her cleaned up.

Vet Ranch

Vet Ranch

Within ten days, her hair began growing back, and the infections on her face were clearing up nicely. At this point her skin was looking much healthier, but she still had a long way to go. She got vaccinated and then was sent to live with a foster.

Vet Ranch

Vet Ranch

One week later, her scabbing was gone and her skin was no longer red. Not too long after, she was finally healed! She looked like a brand new dog! And the best news is that her foster was fostering to adopt, so they are just waiting for the papers to clear before it officially becomes her forever home! Her new family also named her HoneyBee, which complements her sweet personality!

Vet Ranch

Vet Ranch

Watch HoneyBee’s amazing transformation in the video below:

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Growing up, Ashley always had a passion for writing. After receiving her Bachelor's in Journalism from Stony Brook University, she dove right into the professional world of content. When she isn't writing, she loves to read, travel, and explore the outdoors with her husband and two dogs.
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