Oslo The Cat Is Cleaning His Baby Pig Sister And It Couldn’t Be More Purrfect!

I remember the day my little brother was born. I couldn’t wait to finally be a big sister and I was so excited to meet him. I was obsessed with him too, wanting to hold him every second. (Now I am sick of him after spending just five minutes with him, but that’s a different story.) Well, Oslo the cat just became a big brother, and he’s darn good at it! But, he isn’t exactly a big brother to a kitten…

Oslo is now a big brother to a baby pig! Yep, you read that right. Ginger the mini pig has just become the newest member of this family and Oslo is pretty happy about it. Some siblings get jealous of new siblings, but you can tell that Oslo is legitimately pleased with his new little sis. Ginger is lying down, sleeping on a blanket. Oslo is lying down right next to him, with his paw wrapped around her, while gently grooming her with his tongue. It’s so sweet and so stinkin’ cute to watch!!

Rare Javan Rhino Calf Spotted in Indonesia Sparks Hope and Urgency for Conservation: Click “Next” below!

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