James Was A Drug Addict, Bob Was A Stray. How They Come Together To SAVE Each Other Is Unbelievable.

This is the amazing story of how a cat, named Bob, and a busker, named James, saved one another’s lives.  Bob came into James life when he was hiding in his apartment building.  James, a drug addict who was living in a housing project, took Bob to the veterinarian and then nursed him back to health.  What neither cat nor human knew at the time was that they had actually saved one another.

Bob following James to work one day and that was the day everything changed.  People stopped to see the cat and soon the pairs popularity started to grow.  It grew enough that James wrote a book that became a best seller and today is in the pipeline to become a movie.  For anyone who ever doubted the power of having an animal in their life, this story may change their minds.  James and Bob are a testament to that.

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