People Heard Crying Coming From A Storm Drain…33 Hours Later, This Adorable Little Furbaby Was Rescued!

Customers walking through a California store parking lot heard crying sounds coming from a nearby storm drain. Unsure of exactly what it was, they did know that it was an animal in need of help. David Loop of Sierra Pacific FurBabies, a non-profit animal rescue organization, arrived at the scene and began what turned out to be a 33-hour long rescue. He lowered himself into the drain but couldn’t see the animal, only hear it. As he got closer, he realized it was the sound of a little kitten. The kitten was stuck in an 8-inch pipe and there was little access to get him out. But they didn’t give up!

The next day, All American Plumbing came and even lowered a camera into the pipe, where they were able to see the kitten for the first time. Rescuers worked all day and night to try and get this little kitten out. They decided that they wouldn’t stop until they were successful. Fortunately, they finally managed to get the little guy out. They fittingly decided to name him Piper. The vet gave him a clean bill of health and he’s staying with Loop for a while. Watch the amazing rescue in the video below!

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