This Parrot Just Can’t Get Enough Of His Tolerant Kitty Brother! It’s Super Cute!

Little siblings always like to bug each other. Whether they get along or not, they always have those moments where they get on each other’s nerves. Sometimes they’re tolerable, and other times they’ll have you running and screaming to your parents to tattle on them. This African Grey Parrot likes to bug his kitty brother, but the cat is definitely not the type to run and tell!

The cute parrot can’t get enough of this adorable cat. He has to be touching him at all times! He could just be loving and being affectionate towards his kitty brother, or he could be trying to annoy him like typical sibling fashion. Whatever it is, it’s hilarious to watch! First he takes his foot and strokes the cat with it. He gets closer and closer, keeping his foot on him, and stares at him for a while. Then he leans in for a peck. The cat just lies there the whole time, completely still, tolerating it all. Maybe the parrot just wants to play, but the cat is not sure what to make of it all!

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