This Tiny Tortoise Snacking On A Juicy Tomato Will Make Your Day!

You may have already seen a cute little tortoise eating tiny pancakes before, but I bet you haven’t seen one eating a tomato. This tiny tortoise, named Mr. Hugo, is eating a juicy, plump tomato! And he looks so cute while eating it! He’s so happy for snack-time, and it looks like tomatoes may be one of his favorites.

His owner holds the tomato still for him as he takes little bites out of it and chomps away. The tomato may look small to us, but it’s nearly twice the size of this little guy’s head, so he’s definitely in heaven while eating it! I wonder how long it’d take him to eat the whole thing. But I would watch him for hours, because it is just that cute!!

Rare Javan Rhino Calf Spotted in Indonesia Sparks Hope and Urgency for Conservation: Click “Next” below!

Whizzco for FAP