This Thirsty Dog Gets A Drink Of Water… But Not In The Way You Think!

This smart yellow Lab knows how to turn the bathroom sink faucet on and does so all by himself when his human gives him permission. You can tell that he must’ve been extremely thirsty by how quickly he jumped up to the sink! He pushes the faucet up, but pushes it up a little TOO much, because he makes a MESS!

The water is coming out at full-speed and when he drinks from it the water sprays all over the counter. His human leans over to push the faucet down but the pup uses his nose to push the faucet right back up! Then his human turns it off again, and the dog turns it on…again. And that isn’t even the last time this exchange happens! This pup must be really, really thirsty!! His human even refers to him as a “drinkaholic!”

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