This Giant Mastiff Competing In An Agility Course Is Anything But Quick! LOL

Agility (noun): “The power of moving quickly and easily; nimbleness.” That’s a quality that dogs are supposed to have when they’re a part of a dog show and competing in the agility course, hence the name of the course. But this giant dog is anything BUT quick! He still manages to finish the course, but the way he does it will have you in tears!

Zeus the Bullmastiff decides to take his sweet time through the course, which is at the Rocky Mountain Cluster Dog Show at The National Western Complex in Denver, Colorado. Maybe it’s his massive size, but he’s the furthest thing from fast. He can clear the hurdles as good as any other dog in the competition, but he does it while looking like a tortoise! A very cute tortoise to say the least. His trainer is clapping and trying to get him excited, but he’s definitely not in the mood to be enthusiastic. He may not have won the course in the quickest time, but he definitely won over the crowd! You can hear a loud applause of the crowd cheering while he was finishing up the course. Way to go, Zeus!

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