Dogs Sing ‘All I Want For Christmas Is You’… With A Slight Doggy Twist.

We all know Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You.” During Christmas time, it only plays on the radio about a hundred times a day. But of course I don’t mind it and always sing my heart out along with it. I didn’t think the song could get any better…that is, until I heard this version! The dog parody of this song will have you smiling from ear to ear!

Titled, “All I Want For Christmas Is Food,” this Mariah Carey parody talks about the wants of dogs this holiday season: more table food! They say they already have enough toys and bones, and have eaten enough shoes! In the music video, the dogs want food so badly that they jump up on the table and pull the table cloth off, making all the food come crashing down with it. So, you heard ‘em, give your pups some food this Christmas!

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