The Cat Tries To Sit Down And Finds THIS Waiting For It. That Face At :30? Priceless!

What is that thing?  A new cat toy?  A funny kind of ball?  Maybe a paperweight.  To 8-month-old Lily, the cat, this thing is well, just a thing.  Except when she tries to use it as a pillow then watch out.  Her reaction got me laughing out loud and anticipating her trying to figure out what happened.  Some things they just don’t teach in kitten school, like about hedgehogs.

Seems that 15-month-old African pygmy hedgehog Lucy doesn’t even have to try to get Lily’s attention.  She doesn’t need to.  Lily is both fascinated and shocked.  Mom really shouldn’t leave her pincushion out on the sofa.  And Mom really shouldn’t have a pincushion that is alive, either.

Rare Javan Rhino Calf Spotted in Indonesia Sparks Hope and Urgency for Conservation: Click “Next” below!

Whizzco for FAP