This Single Corgi Eats Spaghetti Alone While Watching “Lady And The Tramp!” (It’s Super Cute!)

We’ve all been there. It’s a Friday night, and everyone is out having a good time, but all we really feel like doing is snuggling up under some blankets and watching a good movie. Alone. Okay, I’ll have to admit, sometimes I didn’t have a choice. But nevertheless, it’s always good to have some alone time!

This cute Corgi pup feels the same way. He’s tuned into “Lady and the Tramp,” (which just so happens to be one of my favorite Disney movies) and looks so comfortable lying on his big pillow bed. It’s the classic scene that we all know too well: both of the dogs romantically slurping on spaghetti together. This Corgi doesn’t have a doggy pal with him, but that doesn’t stop him from enjoying some spaghetti! He slurps on his own piece, and it’s so stinkin’ cute! Then the two dogs in the movie kiss and the Corgi’s eyes widen as Backstreet Boy’s “Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely” comes on. This is too funny!

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