This Cat Can Play Fetch Better Than Most Dogs…

The majority of dogs love fetch, and most of them are good at it. It’s nothing out of the ordinary to see a pup run after a ball or a stick and bring it back to you, just to have you throw it again, and again and again. This video contains a game of fetch, but it is anything but ordinary. Because the animal that’s retrieving the ball and bringing it back isn’t a dog…it’s a cat!!

Not only is this cat playing fetch, but she’s great at it too! Her owner throws her toy in a different room and she immediately gets up and chases after it. She runs back with it in her mouth and drops it in front of her owner so he can throw it again and again. This little kitty LOVES to play fetch, and I love watching her! They may need to think about getting her a little canine friend!

Source: Cat knows how to fetch better than most dogs by MargaritaKristjansen on Rumble

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