This Dog Is Happy Until He Hears THESE Words That Send Him Running…

Are you ever in such a great mood and then someone says something that ruins it? You spent all day happy and smiling, confident that there’s not a thing in the world that could bring you down today…all to have someone tell you the worst news ever that brings you from the highest high to the lowest low. Well, that’s exactly what happened to this poor pup.

When his owner says “come here,” he runs into the room, happy as can be. He has no idea what is about to come next; no idea that his happy mood is about to be ruined. Then it happens. His human says that it’s time for a bath, and the pup darts out of there like a bolt of lightning! LOL! It’s clear that this dog hates bath time. And it’s safe to say that his happy mood is now ruined. Poor baby.

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