He Gets His Dog House Ready, Falls Asleep Waiting For Santa… Then THIS Happens.

Take a minute to think back to when you were a little kid. You probably stayed up all night on Christmas Eve, anxious for Santa to arrive. Every little noise you heard outside had you convinced that it was Santa thumping on the roof into the chimney. You may even have snuck a peak in the living room or checked the plate of cookies to see if he had come yet. This American Greetings video takes us back to these childhood memories, portrayed by an adorable little pup who’s waiting for Santa.

Starring Uggie (The Artist) who sadly passed away this past summer, he comes out of his doghouse, which is decorated with lights, and hangs up his stocking from it. Then he goes back inside and pushes out a plate full of cookies for Santa, along with a glass of milk. He walks a few feet in front of his little house and barks for Santa. Then he goes back inside and does what everyone else does, waits. After a little while he gets up to see if Santa has come yet. When he sees that he hasn’t, he takes a bite from the cookies and finally falls asleep. While he’s asleep, Santa comes and leaves him a dog bone with a bow. This little pup’s Christmas wish came true all right!

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