When These Hedgehogs Lost Their Mother, It Was Thought That They Wouldn’t Make It. Luckily, This Generous Cat Swooped In to Save Them…

These tiny adorable hedgehogs sadly lost their mother, but this cute kitty didn’t hesitate to adopt them as her own! Somya the cat has taken in these hedgehogs when they needed it most. She has a kitten of her own, but doesn’t mind sharing her milk. If it weren’t for Sonya, these hedgehogs would have trouble surviving.

Watch as this kind mama cat lies with her kitten while her new adopted hedgehogs drink her milk. They’re so cute and the little sounds they make melt my heart! Mama cat is cleaning her real baby and feeding her new ones all at the same time. What an amazing cat! Love knows no race, color, or in this case, species!

Source: Mother cat adopts orphaned hedgehogs by marinakozhevnikova76 on Rumble

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