This Pup Is Cuddling With His Baby Human. Keep Your Eye On His Tongue!

We can always count on our pups to snuggle up with us at the end of a long day. Non dog lovers never understand how we could let our dogs into our beds, but we know sleeping just wouldn’t be the same without them! Dogs are the best at cuddling and we all know it! This newborn baby sure does!

This adorable little Pomchi lies down on his 10-week-old human to cuddle. He keeps getting up to look at this new little thing that is now a part of his family, but every time his owners tell him to cuddle, he lies right on the baby and snuggles up. The baby just lies there without making a peep. The dog even tries to sneak some kisses in and the baby smiles and tries to touch him. What an adorable moment!!

Source: Dog loves to cuddle with newborn baby by Leyanne6 on Rumble

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