At Seven Years Old, This Bull Terrier Finally Gets To Experience A Bed For The First Time!

Millie, a 7-year-old bull terrier foster dog, has never had the pleasure of experiencing something we take for granted every single day: a bed. We go to sleep in a warm bed every night, most of the time without realizing how lucky we are. Not only are there people out there who aren’t as lucky, there are also animals!

Watch Millie’s reaction to her first time in this big, comfy bed. It’s priceless! She rolls around on it like a mad-dog and tangles herself up in the blanket. At the end, she’s done freaking out and sits there wagging her tail. She is so excited and happy, it’s such a heartwarming sight to see! No dog should ever have to go seven years without getting to experience a bed.

Source: Rescue dog experiences a bed for the first time by staffoja on Rumble

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