This Cat Wandered Into A Nursing Home. What He Does There Is Unbelievable!

One day, a cat, later named Oscar, wandered into a nursing and rehabilitation center in Providence, Rhode Island. He would walk around the building, wandering into different rooms. At first people there thought it was strange, but Oscar came every day so they grew to like it. Since he wandered often, the staff decided to adopt Oscar. Now Oscar acts as a caretaker at the nursing home!

He makes his rounds throughout the building, checking on nearly 40 patients each day. He has the ability to sense when patients are in need of comfort during a health crisis, so he spends the most time in the rooms with those patients. He spends a lot of time on the window sills and even lies on the bed to curl up next to the patient. Oscar even spends the last minutes of people’s lives with them. He is truly an amazing cat!

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