When The Little Girl Asks For The Dog’s Paw… SO Much Cuteness!

Whoever said diamonds are a girl’s best friend has obviously never had a dog!! Dogs make the BEST best friends. They’re there for you no matter what. They don’t care if you are a mess or have tears rolling down your face, they will be there to comfort you. They will always be patient with you and are very cute to look at. This video exemplifies the friendship that dogs can have with us. This little girl and her pup are the cutest BFFs ever!

Three-year-old Hadley is teaching her dog, Gauge, how to “give paw.” And by the looks of it, he’s already a pro at it! She asks for his paw, and when he gives it, she shakes it and tells him “good boy, Gauge” in the sweetest little voice. Then she gives him a treat and asks him again. He stands there so patiently with his little human and is so fluffy and cute!

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