After Waiting Two Years For A Service Dog, This Veteran Received The Surprise Of A Lifetime!

Marine Corps Veteran Frank Giaramida, from Long Island, New York, has been waiting for a service dog for two long years. This furry best friend would help him cope with the struggles of every day life, the stresses that come with being in the service for so long, and his grieving after losing his fiancé six months ago to a brain aneurysm.

Giaramida was surprised with Scarlet, a 7-month-old German shepherd puppy, on the football field during the New York Giants game. Scarlet was trained for “Paws of War,” an organization funded by Cow Harbor Warriors, a nonprofit group that raises money for post-9/11 war vets.

“This is going to be my best friend,” Giaramida said. “I need a friend.”

And I am so happy that Giaramida finally received the furry best friend that he’s longed for for so long!

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