This Golden Wants To Teach His Little Puppy Sister A Thing Or Two About Tug Of War!

First Brodie, the Golden big brother, is lying down while the puppy, Dasha, is pulling at the rope in his mouth. But then Brodie shakes the rope out of Dasha’s mouth and stands up to show her who’s boss!

Brodie runs away but then comes back and places the rope back near his little sister’s mouth. He doesn’t want her to have the rope, but at the same time he really wants to play with her! Watching these two play put a smile on my face. When the puppy starts barking her tiny bark, my heart melts!! The best part is when Brodie puts his paw over his sis. Aww sibling love!

Rare Javan Rhino Calf Spotted in Indonesia Sparks Hope and Urgency for Conservation: Click “Next” below!

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