He Throws Laundry Into A Hamper… You’re Gonna LOVE What’s Inside!

This little kitty LOVES to help out with the laundry, and it couldn’t be any cuter! Her and her human have turned laundry into a fun game. Her human throws the dirty clothes up in the air above the hamper, and the cat jumps up out of the hamper to catch them, and puts them into the hamper.

She does this over and over again and is pretty darn good at it! She even jumps extremely high and shows her epic parkour skills when she bounces off the walls to reach some of the clothes. At the end when they’re done, the kitty stays sitting in the hamper to take a rest and the camera zooms in on her adorable face!

Rare Javan Rhino Calf Spotted in Indonesia Sparks Hope and Urgency for Conservation: Click “Next” below!

Whizzco for FAP