Cat Reluctantly Participates In His Human’s 3 Shell Game And Comes Out Victorious!

Everyone knows the old 3 shell game…an object is put under a cup, can, or something along those lines, they’re moved around, and you bet on which cup the object is under. Well, this owner made the 3 shell game feline friendly!

She took a treat and put it under a cap. She moved around the three caps and told Hamlet the cat to pick the one with the treat. But this cat is not impressed! She taps each cap, trying to get him to choose one, but he sits there with the most bored look on his face. Finally, he reaches over and selects the blue cap, which is the one with the treat. What a smart kitty!!

Rare Javan Rhino Calf Spotted in Indonesia Sparks Hope and Urgency for Conservation: Click “Next” below!

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