This Family Reunited With Their German Shepherd After 3 Years Apart. When You See His Reaction, TEARS.

This beautiful German Shepherd was taken from this family three years ago during a messy break up and was given away. This left the mother, Andrea Arce, and her girls heartbroken, thinking they would never get to see their pup again. But miracles do happen! Arce received a phone call from a shelter saying they found Rico, who is now six years old, on the street almost 2,500 miles from where he started. They flew Rico back home and went to pick him up.

Watch this heartwarming reunion between the family and their furry best friend who they’ve missed so much! He starts whining and scratching at his cage door the second he sees them. When he’s let out, he jumps all over them, smothering them with licks and kisses. He makes it very obvious that he hasn’t forgotten his family!

Rare Javan Rhino Calf Spotted in Indonesia Sparks Hope and Urgency for Conservation: Click “Next” below!

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