Who Needs To Hire A Landscaper When You’ve Got This Pup?

Lawn service can be expensive, and sometimes it’s hard to find time to do it yourself, but if you had this pup then you wouldn’t have to worry about either!

This cutie grips the lawn mower handle with his mouth and pushes it all over the backyard! Well, it’s only a toy lawn mower, but if it were real he’d probably do a great job! Not only does he push the mower, but he literally RUNS with it full speed, wagging his tail. He wants to get the job done in the quickest time possible. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a dog mow the lawn before, but it’s a pretty pawlarious sight to see!! I think I may have to train my dog to do this!

Rare Javan Rhino Calf Spotted in Indonesia Sparks Hope and Urgency for Conservation: Click “Next” below!

Whizzco for FAP