This Dog And His Sister See A Plate Of Carrots On The Kitchen Table With Their Names Written All Over It!

These two Beagles took advantage of being home alone and decided to steal some snacks off the kitchen table. At least they were healthy!

First, one of them jumps onto the table, licks a carrot off the plate and then jumps down and grabs it off the table. They take turns going back and forth, poking their head up and grabbing another carrot off the plate. The best part is when they both stop and one looks around to make sure no one will catch them. Instead of taking one carrot at a time, they start taking two. Soon the plate is empty, and you can see one of the pups staring at the empty dish, wishing there were more! And of course you have to stick around to see the end of the video…you’ll get a good laugh out of it!

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