This Little Monkey Has A BLAST Sliding Down The Slide…He Can’t Get Enough Of It And Neither Can I!!

I’ve seen a monkey that loves monkey bars (for obvious reasons) but I’ve never seen a monkey love a slide so much!

Nala the monkey is on a jungle gym and decides to go down the slide. She enjoys it so much that she goes down it again…and again and again and, well, you get the point! After a couple of times going down, she slides down with a big smile on her face! It’s amazing how smart she is to even realize that that’s what slides are for.

The best is when she jumps on her hooman mommy at the end. She’s too cute for words. I think I need to go get myself a monkey!!

Rare Javan Rhino Calf Spotted in Indonesia Sparks Hope and Urgency for Conservation: Click “Next” below!

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