These VERY Unlikely Best Friends Will Have Your Heart Melting Faster Than The Wicked Witch!

This is almost too cute for words.  Baby Gertjie tries to copy his buddy Lammie as they play.  The odd set of friends reside at the Hoedspruit Endangered Species Centre in Zaire and became close after Gertjie, also know as Little G, these days, was brought to the rescue center after his mother had been poached for her horn.  Recently, another baby Rhino, Matimba, whose lost his mother to the same sad situation, was brought in and the two Rhinos have become inseparable, with Little G taking the lead.

While this video is adorable, the sad fact that there is even a video of this nature to be seen is very sad. Poaching and killing animals in Africa continues and beautiful animals are not only losing their lives, but their populations are diminishing.  Fortunately there are organizations like HESC that do whatever they can to rescue and rehabilitate, but they are always in need of support.  Were it not for their good work, baby Rhinos like Little G and Matimba would never have survived let alone had a chance to grow up.

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