This First Encounter Between A Rescue Fawn And An Adorable Kitten Is a MUST-WATCH!

Snowflake, a 3-week-old whitetail fawn, was caught in a farm’s hay bailer in Grayson County, Texas. Thankfully, the farmer was able to stop the machine before taking the deer’s life. Unfortunately, both of the fawn’s rear hooves were mangled, but she was made a full recovery after emergency surgery.

While Snowflake was healing at Kelly’s Kritters Wildlife Rehabilitation Center, she made a new little friend! Watch the adorable first encounter between Snowflake and a kitten. Snowflake is sitting in a bath tub when the small kitten comes over. The deer immediately stands up and starts sniffing the kitten, and even giving him little kisses! The kitten is unsure of who this creature is in the bath tub, but eventually embraces the fawn’s licks. This is too cute to handle!

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